Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Why do most people prefer being misguided to not being guided?

July 3, 2020

What type of attention is better:Negative attention or no attention?
One of the things that has become more than obvious is that many people are drawn to lies. When offered options and all are made equally entertaining, truth might be chosen, but veracity of information doesn’t seem that big of a factor.
One of the main reasons for such is that people are often neglected as children and children who haven’t had their questions answered, tend to long for someone stepping in even at a much later stage to fill in the blanks but do so in a nurturing and parenting way to fill the void left emotionally.
It isn’t so much about the information anymore as it is the process of parenting that comes with it. 
This is a main contributor to enabling charlatans to fool otherwise intelligent people into giving them money.
It isn’t about lacking intelligence, but unmet needs. Professional con artists know how to find weak spots and adjust their approach based on yours. This takes place on many levels, news being one.
Figuring what it is that someone is longing for is key. That longing produces undeserved benefit of the doubt towards those who promise to end that longing or parts thereof. 
So are Rh negatives immune to that?
I used to think so that intuition will kick in, but it doesn’t. Not always.
The belief that we come from aliens is a major example. 
A wish to feel special.
Of course, this is not the only contributor to this belief:
Other reasons exist leading individuals down that road. CSA is another huge one. Those sexually abused as children often mask the real events of what happened to them by telling it disguised as a fictional tale. That way it allows them to finally talk about it “without having to talk about it”. Talking about being abducted and “probed” often resembles what truly happened to them, but of course, perpetrators being humans.
A need for attention also comes in and again, it often goes back to not having been given any as a child. 
It isn’t about being drawn to lies as much as to being drawn to a presentation imitating what is craved. If you tell facts, you lose out on the one telling the lie in an interesting and seductive manner.  
More information is underway. The following video will get into more details as there is a connection to “psychics” and how they manage to convince people to come in regularly and give them their money:
People from all walks of life fall for it, not so much the “information” part, but the attention given to them. Nobody had “guided” them this way before. They long for someone taking them by the hand and telling them what to do.
The importance of parenting can easily be overlooked by those who have had it and do not realize the impact the lack thereof has. 

My Falco Fan List

June 27, 2020

These are the songs that should be in the ultimate CD compilation:

I can’t believe he released Wiener Blut instead of this one

Does your brain get enough oxygen?

May 27, 2020

Hypoxia, or reduced oxygen to the brain, can cause long-term disabilities and developmental delays. Severe oxygen deprivation or anoxia, which is the term for no oxygen reaching the brain, can also cause disabilities or even death.

N. Korea Dictator Kim Jong-un Reportedly Dead After Botched Heart Surgery

April 25, 2020

Kim Jong-un reportedly dead

April 25, 2020

Why are COVID-19 deaths so low in Germany?

April 11, 2020
Have you read this question before?
I have…. many times… for many months.
The usual answer:
“Great medical care”.
Not wrong, but…
there are other nations with great medical care and far higher frequencies of deaths resulting from COVID-19.

The main answer goes as follows:

Stricter rules.

It became common to attribute deaths to what was believed to have caused and also sped up fatalities resulting from preexisting conditions.

A few days ago, I looked up celebrity deaths on Wikipedia, and out of 12 deaths for that day, 9 were attributed to COVID-19.

The is no exaggeration.

Many of those who died were in their 80s.

Is it now the thing to do to write COVID-19 as cause of death to avoid any type of scrutiny or potential malpractice suit later.

Since rules in Germany are stricter, these types of shortcuts are rarer. People dying of COVID-19 are less likely to have their cause of death limited to that, but rather be looked at for what COVID-19 may have sped up.

And then of course there is this:

I have lost track and am using this old chart showing what… 1-2% fatalities?

Map displaying BCG vaccination policy by country

April 10, 2020
A: The country currently has universal BCG vaccination program. B: The country used to recommend BCG vaccination for everyone, but currently does not. C: The country never had universal BCG vaccination programs.

4-6-20 Montana physician Dr Annie Bukacek discusses how death certificates are being manipulated

April 9, 2020

MIRROR 4-6-20 Montana physician Dr Annie Bukacek discusses how death certificates are being manipulated Dr. Bukacek is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years’ experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job. In this brief video, Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID 19 deaths on death certificates.

What is a Conspiracy Theory?

April 8, 2020

The term does not sit well with me.

Similar to a term like Pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience can be anything from a Fortune Teller ripping you off to a medical discovery yet to be peer-reviewed.

In other words:

It is a label so broad, it breeds complacency.

In order to remove labels, research is needed. Certain labels are just placeholders, but have a tendency to become permanent.

As time goes by, acceptance of the label outgrows the desire to know more.

A Conspiracy Theory label simply indicates that something could be or could not be so. Any theory not proven in a timely manner tends to wind up being overlooked as curiosity fades and the delay of additional information coming in is often being misinterpreted by the human mind that “that was it”.

Combine that with alternate theories being debunked, people often seek comfort in the original and official versions. Part of the reason is also that they will have company among the also confused. The hardest however it is for those who have knowledge, even if very incomplete knowledge, but those who know of parts of the theories no longer being theories, but actually factual.

You can never un-know.

Stay tuned for Part 2…

“How Coronavirus Fooled Every Body In The World – Including WHO”

April 7, 2020

Have you seen this? What are your thoughts?

The following has been copied and does not necessarily reflect reality:

Description below video:

New Delhi HIV/CoronaVirus Similarity Paper…

George Webb is an investigative journalist in the Washington, DC area that discovered the DNC blackberries and hard drives used by DNC Chairwoman’s IT assistant, Biden Awan. Webb produced a fact witness, a Marine named Andre Taggart, and Taggart confirmed the government marked blackberries and drives stashed by Awan in his home. Webb also interviewed a Capitol Hill staffer with a three decade relationship with Joe Biden that provided insider information about Biden Awan that was later confirmed in a House hearing. The House insider also left the phone with Webb which had Congressional markings, and the blackberry mapped to a DIA staffer on Capitol Hill in the Human Intelligence Services. A summary of his three years of reporting has been summarize in a five video playlist called The Webb Report and can be found here.…

Investigative Reporter George Webb Has Prepared A Five Chapter Video Storyboard To Get You Up To Speed Quickly On His Spy Ring In Congress Series. Addition Chapters Available At Patreon. The Webb Report – Chapter One Summary – Awans, Biden Blackberries, Covert Action Server, Evergreen…

The Webb Report – Chapter Two – The Biden Blackwater Blackberries…

The Webb Report – Chapter Three – Crowdstrike Strikes Back With Fiona Hill Gang…

The Webb Report – Chapter Four – Blackwater Blackberries Between The Senate And the DNC…

The Webb Report – Chapter Five – E Is For Energy And Epstein…

To get up to speed quickly on investigative journalist George Webb’s investigation of the DNC and their covert communications with encrypted Blackwater Blackberries and Crowdstrike DNC Server, start with the Webb Report. Five videos later, you will be completely up to speed.…

George Webb is a Washington DC based journalist who discovered the stashed hard drives and Blackwater Blackberries of the famed DNC and DCCC servers, dampening the Trump Russia narrative of the DNC. George Webb produced a fact witness named Andre Taggart that testified that Imran Awan, the key consultant to DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, stored Congressional marked hard drives and Blackwater Blackberries at his Lorton, Virginia home. In addition, George Webb also produced a Congressional blackberry from an informant from the office of Senator Joe Biden coded named Deep Blackberry that may have been Trump Takedown leader, William Taylor. Webb has researched all the Imran Awan safe houses and has researched occupants and businesses associated with over a dozen Awan properties. For quick summary of the three year video series, we recommend watching the YouTube video playlist “Awan 911 – The Webb Report – What The Mueller Report Left Out” available here.…