Why are COVID-19 deaths so low in Germany?

Have you read this question before?
I have…. many times… for many months.
The usual answer:
“Great medical care”.
Not wrong, but…
there are other nations with great medical care and far higher frequencies of deaths resulting from COVID-19.

The main answer goes as follows:

Stricter rules.

It became common to attribute deaths to what was believed to have caused and also sped up fatalities resulting from preexisting conditions.

A few days ago, I looked up celebrity deaths on Wikipedia, and out of 12 deaths for that day, 9 were attributed to COVID-19.

The is no exaggeration.

Many of those who died were in their 80s.

Is it now the thing to do to write COVID-19 as cause of death to avoid any type of scrutiny or potential malpractice suit later.

Since rules in Germany are stricter, these types of shortcuts are rarer. People dying of COVID-19 are less likely to have their cause of death limited to that, but rather be looked at for what COVID-19 may have sped up.

And then of course there is this:


I have lost track and am using this old chart showing what… 1-2% fatalities?

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